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Behandlung von Datenungleichverteilung in parallelen Hash-Joins

The title of this post is the German title of the thesis for my recently completed master's. I was excited that it had to have a German title, but it just might be more useful to show the English title: "Handling Skew in Morsel-Driven Hash-Joins"...

Practical Techniques for Hash Joins with Duplicate Keys

Optimizing hash tables and hash joins for repeated keys

Visualizing complex multiplication when using cartesian form

(a + bi)(c + di) = ac-bd + (ad + bd)i ... but what does this look like?

Converting phone orientation quaternion to Azimuth/Altitude

I’ve been working on a project that involves measuring the location of an object in the sky using a mobile phone. The idea is to point the camera on the back of a phone at an object and get a measurement of where the object is.

A geometric view of division by a complex number

If you’ve taken a class involving complex numbers, you were likely introduced to the following equality: $$ \dfrac{1}{z} = \dfrac{\bar{z}}{\vert z \vert^2} $$

Extract SPOT location emails from gmail and upload to Google maps as waypoints

Along with a buddy, I recently completed the Colorado Trail. Ideally, we would have used a phone or GPS to save a list of waypoints, but we didn’t think of this beforehand. We did have a SPOT GPS beacon that could trigger an email containing the beacon’s current location to be sent; we’d send an “Okay” signal upon reaching camp each night. This post outlines a procedure to extract the location emails from gmail, then upload them as waypoints into a Google map.  This assumes you know how to run a Bash script.